How to use the Sticker Market

How to use the Sticker Market.gif

In this article, we’ll be walking you through how to activate and use Stickybomb’s Sticker Market feature, so you can start uploading your branded content and start running your own sticker sales!



Where is the Sticker Market?

To access the Sticker Market by going to your profile, then dashboard, and clicking on the “Sticker Market” tab on the left, and then “Market Place”.


Setting up moderation

In order to start using the Sticker Market feature, you first need to grant Stickybomb permission. To do this, you can type /mod stickybombgg in chat, or you can copy the chatbot command and paste it directly into the chat window.


If you’ve done everything correctly an icon should appear next to “Activate Gift” near the top of your screen. By activating gifting, you’ll allow viewers to gift sticker sets to other users in chat.


Uploading stickers

Now let's try uploading some stickers. Once you click on the “Sticker Upload” button, you’ll be taken to the editing page for your sticker set.


Create a name for your sticker set, and decide on the price for your sticker set.


Once you’re ready to begin, review the content copyright guide and select “I agree” after ensuring that you have all the necessary permissions for the content you plan to upload. Also keep in mind that stickers have a size limit. The maximum resolution is 600x600 pixels, and the file size should be less than 10MB per image.

Then select click the “+” sign, and select the images you want to include in the set, and press “open”.


In a few seconds you should see your entire collection of stickers on display for you to preview before launching your sale.


After you’ve checked on your stickers, you will have to select a “main image” to represent the entire set. The image has 150x150 pixels and less than 150KB. The size has to be smaller as it will show as thumbnail image at the top of your sticker list.


Now that all of the images have been selected, you can upload the stickers onto the market place. You can also choose to skip the review stage and opt to start selling immediately after the upload.


Starting sale

Once you select “upload” the stickers will be placed into a review stage where you can edit and make final modifications before launching. The status will be displayed as “awaiting confirmation.” 


The stickers have now been uploaded onto Stickybomb’s market place. Here you can choose to edit, delete or start your sticker sale. If there’s a mistake, or something you want to replace, you can select the image or press “edit” to make the necessary changes. After you’re done, you can press “upload” again to apply the changes.


Finally, we can start the sale! You’ll be asked to confirm one last time before it goes live on your stream. You won’t be able to make edits to the set once it’s made available for sale. If you want to make changes, you’ll have to create the set all over again.


Stickers on your tipping page

Now let’s check how it looks. Viewers can access the sticker sets by going to the “Streamer” tab and selecting the thumbnail representing the set you uploaded. 


They’ll be able to see what the set includes, and make a purchase.


They can also gift the set to others in your chat. Viewer can choose to gift to random users, or select specific users they want to send the sticker set to.


If “Gift to random users” is selected, the viewer can choose the number of sets they want to purchase and share with random members of the community.

If the number of sticker sets gifted exceeds the number of stickybomb members in your chat, the purchased sets will be made available to claim first-come, first-serve by the next members that sign up.


If a viewer chooses to “select users to gift,” viewers can specify who they’d like to gift to and send the stickers sets to those users.


Viewers that have purchased or have been gifted sticker sets will now be able to access them on the tipping page, and use them as they would with regular stickers we offer in our library.


Now that you know how to set up your sticker market, you can now upload multiple custom and branded sticker sets!

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